Support our work

Support our work. Our trail system depends on donations from people like you. If you like what we do, donate today and support the largest cross-country ski area in North America.

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Individual donation

Methow Trails supporters are anyone whose life is made better by Methow Valley trails – skiers, summer trail users, event participants, families, and visitors. Your donation dollars support free trail access and parking on all Methow Trails in the summer, free skiing for kids 17 and under, programs that encourage and support community access to the winter trails, and our year-round operations. Methow Trails is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and relies on grants and donations to further its mission.

Business supporter

Methow Trails business supporter level of sponsorship is for any business that believes in and benefits from the trails. If your business is better off because of trails and trail-users, join us! Half of business supporter contributions go directly to our endowment to ensure long-term sustainability of our trails, and the other half goes into the annual operating budget to ensure high-quality trail experiences for you and your customers. View the current list of business supporters.

Trails for Life Endowment and planned giving

If you care about trails in the Methow Valley, and you wish to leave a lasting legacy, consider a donation or planned gift to our endowment or other trail funds. The proceeds of your gift will go directly toward maintaining and improving the quality and accessibility of the Methow Trail experiences today and for generations to come. Contact our executive director to set up a meeting time or phone call at your convenience.

Methow Trails is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Our tax ID number is 91-1027957.