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Trail updates

Another beautiful day to ski the Methow Magic. Best skiing is in the morning and you have lots to choose from today, including a long ski over the Rendezvous. The Mazama meadows are also skiing nicely, and most anything groomed last night should be lovely. Be aware that in most areas, classic tracks are becoming thin and there are some thin or dirty patches near road crossings or under trees, especially on the valley floor trails. 

Please help us understand the economic impact of the trails on our community and take our brief winter trail user survey: SURVEY

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Methow Trails is a nonprofit founded in 1977 to connect people, nature, and communities through a world-class trail system in the Methow Valley.

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We need your help!

Please take our winter trail use survey! We conduct economic impact studies roughly every 10 years to help understand the role that trails play in the local economy. We'd love it if you could take a few minutes to share your experience with us. All user data is anonymous and you can enter to win a 3-day trail pass. Thank you! Please note, this is a different survey than the one we conducted last summer. Please take this survey even if you already took the summer use survey.


There are many ways to explore the Methow in any season

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Trailhead shuttle

Skip the parking lot scene!
TranGO is now offering public bus service to the upper valley, including Mazama! Rides are just $1 (kids ride free!) and you can bring your skis or bike onboard. Buses run Monday-Saturday all day long. Check their website for full route and schedule information.

Methow Trails grooming map preview

Groom and Zoom

New Methow Trails app

Check weather and trail conditions, grooming notes, trail maps, driving directions and purchase digital passes all from your phone.

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Our trail system depends on donations from people like you. If you like what we do, donate today and support the largest cross-country ski area in North America.

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