

Trail updates, staff notes, and current weather

Trail updates

Spring is in the air, but don’t put away the skis just yet. There is still excellent skiing to be had, especially in the Rendezvous and at Sun Mountain. Today is our last groom of the Winthrop and Mazama trails. We plan to continue to groom in the Rendezvous and Sun Mtn until the April 1. What a season!

Methow Trails Daily Grooming Report
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Methow Trails Daily Grooming Report
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Methow Trails Daily Grooming Report
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Methow Trails Daily Grooming Report
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Methow Trails Daily Grooming Report
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Methow Trails Daily Grooming Report
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Methow Trails Daily Grooming Report
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Mountains illustration

Wax of the Day

  • Glide Wax:  Vauhti Pure Warm is going to be your best liquid option today. If you're going to iron in your glide wax: Swix 8 or Toko yellow would be our recommendation. 
  • Classic: Skin skis are going to be great for reliable kick and glide. Dont forget to treat your skins with some "care" product as the snow gets stickier. For kick wax we would recommend Swix Universal 50/50 mix with Swix Red today.
  • Wax of the day provided by: Winthrop Mountain Sports

    Mazama Snow Stake

    Mazama Snow Stake

    Trail User Survey

    Every 10 years or so we conduct a survey to assess the economic impact of the trails on our community. The data we receive is invaluable in planning for the future, understanding our role in the valley, and applying for grants and other funding sources. Your responses are anonymous and you can enter to win a free 3-day ski pass!
    Please note, this is a different survey than the summer one, so please take it even if you participated in the summer survey.

    Thanks for your support

    Methow Trails is a non-profit organization that has been connecting people and trails since 1977. If you like what we do and want to see it continue, please consider purchasing an annual pass or making a donation. Your contributions sustain the trails you love year round. Thank you!

    Methow Trails grooming map preview

    Groom and Zoom

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    Check weather and trail conditions, grooming notes, trail maps, driving directions and purchase digital passes all from your phone.

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