Get out your costume box. This race is all about the costume, and a dose of good luck out on the course. Human-dog teams compete in short heats to go for the glory of the coveted Golden Poodle award. Humans must ski. Dogs must run. Dogs must be on a leash. Both must be in costume. It's that simple. Retractable leashes are not allowed! Please pre-register for this event.
NEW LOCATION! Methow Trails Property at 21 Horizon Flats Rd. in Winthrop
Check-in: 1:30-2:00 p.m.
Costume Parade: 2:00 p.m.
Heats begin: 2:15 p.m.
A panel of experts selects the Best in Show Costume and award the coveted Golden Poodle Trophy! Other prizes to include Methow Trails Annual Dog Passes and fabulous goodies from Cascades Outdoor Store and more. Don't miss out!